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WorldCast 3.0

WorldCast is a two-in-one tool: bulk e-mail software, and an e-mail address validator. It detects many of the common invalid addresses that exist on many e-mail lists, reporting errors such as bad e-mail addresses, time-out operations, and so on, providing a detailed log of the entire delivering process. It features automatic subscription/unsubscription of e-mail addresses, a syntax-oriented editor, mail merge capabilities, HTML editing and preview support, attachments, spelling checker, thesaurus, extensive filtering of the results, crash recovery, message attachments, and so on. Using direct multithreaded delivery, it ensures 100 percent usage of your connection capabilities. WorldCast as a bulk e-mailer acts like a self-sufficient SMTP relay, sending your customized message straight out to the recipient's mail server (without using your ISP's SMTP server, although it still offers the possibility to use any SMTP server). It has extensive mail merge capabilities. Given a certain e-mailing list, containing address, name, and job, for instance, the software generates a customized e-mail to each recipient. WorldCast as an e-mail-address validator verifies an entire e-mail list, reporting the bad and good e-mail addresses. WorldCast accepts an unlimited number of projects, importing/exporting recipients (mailing lists) from dBase tables, text, and CSV files, as well as address books. Working with huge recipient lists, it imposes no limits to the recipient list size.


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See Also

MailDisclaimer for Exchange Server 1.1

Add specific footers or signatures to the messages of senders connected to the Exchange Server.

Ability Mail Server 1.19

Host a mail server featuring SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, Web mail, and remote administration.

Auto-Mate Add-in for Outlook 1.0

Apply rules to messages that have been in your inbox for a given number of hours, days, or weeks.



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