Alnini.comUtilities » Security & Encryption » ShyFile - 6144bit Email and File Encryption

ShyFile - 6144bit Email and File Encryption 5.0

From the developer: "ShyFile generates highly secured files carrying your encoded text to be attached to an email. The recipient of that harmless file does not need to have ShyFile installed and can use any regular JavaScript enabled Internet browser, preferably MSIE, to open and decode. ShyFile offers a depth of encryption of 192 and up to 6144bit since a variable symmetric key length of minimum 32 and up to 1,024 characters is employed, that reaches military requirements. You can easily upload a confidential ShyFile to your website, no alterations necessary. This software works independently from all your webbased email accounts and desktop email applications. True 6144bit depth of encryption since no characters of the key entry are duplicated to artificially blow up the bit rate. Simple 1on1 symmetric key entries are used for your email security and file encryption, no Public and Private Keys. The key entries are not partially issued by a Trusted 3rd Party, so you don't have to worry about having to trust any 3rd parties. ShyFile does not use any standardized algorithms but only its own exclusively developed TL6144D algorithm. Any encrypted text can be decoded using an Internet browser, any encrypted binary file, i.e. a file containing pictures, MS Word- and MS Excel-files, etc. requires an installation of ShyFile itself to decode. A File Shredder is included to thoroughly delete a file on your hard drive and remove all its traces in a way no sophisticated un-delete tool could ever restore it again. Program interface in English or German."


File size:


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Free to try




Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP




6-user session limit



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See Also

Folder Lock 4.375

Lock, hide, and password-protect personal files, folders, and pictures from other users of your PC.

Primedius Firewall Lite 1.62

Prevent intrusions into your PC by hackers, spyware, and adware.

Real Spy Monitor 2.07

Monitor all keystrokes, programs used, and Web sites visited on a PC.



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