Alnini.comUtilities » Security & Encryption » Golden Eye

Golden Eye 2.01

From the developer: "Have you ever wondered what your children doing on the Internet? Who they talk to and what pictures they see? Are you suspecting your husband or wife is cheating on you? Who they email? What movies they see? Who they chat with ? Do you want do know what your employees are doing during work hours? Golden Eye is designed to monitor and record all the activity on your computer. With its bulit-in spy components, It can record keystroke, visited websites, window titles,and screenshot. Golden Eye works like a surveillance camera pointed directly at your computer monitor, monitoring and recording anything anybody does on your computer, and storing this in a secure area for your later review. With the full detail and searchable Interactive report and Html report provide by Golden Eye, you can easily know how your computer is being used or what is being done on your computer. This version adds File/Folder Operation Monitoring feature, which lets you to monitor the File/Folder Operation such as file/folder deletion, creation, rename, etc."


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Date added:



Free to try




Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP





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See Also

Folder Lock 4.375

Lock, hide, and password-protect personal files, folders, and pictures from other users of your PC.

Primedius Firewall Lite 1.62

Prevent intrusions into your PC by hackers, spyware, and adware.

Real Spy Monitor 2.07

Monitor all keystrokes, programs used, and Web sites visited on a PC.



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