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CoverUp 1.30

CoverUp is a file(s) encryption software which can encrypt one or more files at one go. CoverUp uses proprietary dual-key multiple stage encryption algorithm to encrypt files so that the files can only be properly decrypt by the intended recipient using correct keys. The keys are password protected and different files can be assigned with different keys so as to add an additional layer of security. Current version does not allow for password retrieval if forgotten, thus users are advised to separately store the password as reference in case of forgotten password.

Moreover, CoverUp has an additional feature to hide/embed an encrypted file where the file can be hidden behind another file (all file types except text file which we call 'carrier file'). The carrier file shall look the same as the original file, for instance, if the carrier file is a JPEG file, the JPEG file will look the same and can be viewed as the original JPEG file after the intended file is hidden inside it. The intended file can only be extracted with a proper key. Therefore, the security of encrypted file(s) that are to transfer via the internet can be further enhanced by hiding inside another normal looking file.


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Free to try




Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP




30-use trial



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See Also

Folder Lock 4.375

Lock, hide, and password-protect personal files, folders, and pictures from other users of your PC.

Primedius Firewall Lite 1.62

Prevent intrusions into your PC by hackers, spyware, and adware.

Real Spy Monitor 2.07

Monitor all keystrokes, programs used, and Web sites visited on a PC.



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