Alnini.comInternet » Utilities » AuctionWare Auction Management System for eBay Sellers

AuctionWare Auction Management System for eBay Sellers 3.2

A powerful tool for eBay sellers. AuctionWare automates ALL of the post-auction tasks involved with selling on eBay. Loaded with guaranteed time-saving features, such as: Automatic downloading of your eBay auction info. Auction Management, Running and Ended: - Auction Administrator, Manage your auctions from a centralized location containing everything you could possibly need. - Automatic calculations of bids, shipping, insurance, taxes, and additional fees. - Keep track of 'Non-Payers' and automatically generate 'reminder' emails with one click. - Program generated reminders and/or warnings concerning your auctions, and more.

Automatic Email Generation: - Automatically generate any type of email, including Winning Bidder Notices, Payment Received Notices, etc with one click. - Launch all of your auction email at once with the BulkMail capability, or one at a time from the Auction Administrator. - All emails are automatically customized to contain the proper auction info to each buyer. - Manage the contents of your various auction emails with the Email Template Editor. Automatic Feedback: - Post positive, neutral, negative FB in seconds with one click. - Post bulk positive feedback. Also use plug-ins to incorporate and control a remote buyer checkout system right from your desktop, including PayPal Payment integration.


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Free to try




Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP, Internet Explorer 5.0




14-day trial



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See Also

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